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西安一退休干部雇凶杀46岁情妇 4名嫌犯先后落网

潘金莲 发表于 2011-9-16 08:31:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
民警将嫌疑人黄光学和他的妻子押回西安。华商报记者 赵彬摄()
9 w# T6 T2 N/ ~& [* g" G  一个神秘线索牵出杀人案6 \% P* y. Q! G! l6 W: q9 B1 e" X
  2009年12月23日,公安新城分局西一路派出所刑侦副所长郗毅超接到电话称,西安某事业单位前处长辛运哲曾和一名叫王某的女子姘居,2002年前后2人经常吵架,2003年后王某便神秘失踪,至今杳无音信,王某很可能被辛运哲杀害。西一路派出所立即成立专案组走访侦查。# [8 B9 h" i* M" r3 ?
  通过户籍调查得知,辛运哲当时66岁,退休前为西安某单位行政处长,户籍地在西一路派出所,住在自强西路。20年前离婚后,他又找了一个小他20岁的女人,并和这个女人生有一个女儿,这个女儿现在已17岁。但在此后十多年中,很多人都没见过这个女人。辛的一名朋友告诉民警,她如果不是出走,就已遭遇不测。但警方几乎没有任何证据,而且“知情者”也是根据别人的传说猜测而已。9 h7 Y' q" [* n6 r
" e9 y4 h& }8 V4 j3 {  2010年1月8日,专案组围绕辛运哲的生活状况、交往人员进行深入调查,案件真相初露端倪。
+ K: z8 L( n3 m. O  V7 I  上世纪90年代初,辛运哲和一个叫王某的女子姘居,并生下一个女儿。2002年,辛运哲在小北门外开过一个酒楼,在此期间曾和酒楼女收银员有染,后被王某发现,2人为此经常吵架。辛运哲曾雇过一个叫金功力的人为经理,但在辛运哲和王某最后一次吵架后,金功力也不见了踪迹。商洛人金功力可能就是杀人的主要嫌疑人。2010年1月14日凌晨2时许,专案组民警在自强西路某家属院将辛运哲抓获,经对其进行突审,辛运哲终于交代了雇凶杀人的事实。& }* C. ]$ X% _+ P2 S2 z6 r& J1 k
  怕妻子闹事 前处长雇凶杀人
% W: K8 g8 M4 t( n9 y  辛运哲和女收银员奸情暴露后,怕妻子王某到单位闹事,加之王某比自己小20岁,他认为王某对自己并无真心,便下狠心要杀死王某。2002年11月22日,辛运哲和金功力以及金的堂弟金功凯、表弟黄光学4人将王某骗至灞桥区一家市场的平房内残忍杀害,并由金功力、金功凯、黄光学将尸体用硫酸腐蚀,肢解后掩埋至秦岭山中。2 s3 j: x( B8 A: @0 B' M* z
  2010年1月15日,专案组民警赶赴山阳县将金功力、金功凯抓获归案,而最后一名犯罪嫌疑人黄光学却闻风逃跑了。) B' Y5 \% B6 M. B: I% U- |2 X# w6 j
  潜逃9年 最后一名嫌犯落网
! B4 M9 c0 g+ b0 @7 H  辛运哲等3名犯罪嫌疑人落网后,新城警方一直没有停止对最后一名嫌疑人黄光学的抓捕。清网行动开始后,新城警方先后赴商洛、下广州抓捕黄光学,但均没有结果。
, A6 B7 g- e$ V) Z! h  今年9月9日,抓捕组得到线索,黄光学可能在节日期间到广东东莞与妻子梁某团聚,民警立即飞赴东莞。
( J, ]/ @* Z& r& ]: d  9月9日晚,抓捕组民警抵达广州后,顾不上喘息连夜乘火车、坐汽车马不停蹄赶到东莞长安镇。天一亮,民警就赶到梁某上班的电器公司,经过对梁某7个多小时的审讯后,她终于交代了黄光学藏匿的地方。从2010年9月起,黄光学就在梁某的包庇下来到东莞长安镇一家包装公司上班。% I" f4 _1 d" M( I- z( V
2 a! F% J5 w2 \  14日下午4时许,黄光学和妻子梁某被民警押回西安,至此,这个发生在9年前的雇凶杀人碎尸案终于圆满告破,抓捕民警行程达6000余公里。记者 杨小明+ B) ^* P  N  t+ d! H

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 楼主| 潘金莲 发表于 2011-9-16 08:33:09 | 显示全部楼层
. m0 o& G) G+ U  g1 u
( D. E2 b1 w5 F0 g$ B9 ^' Y  今年9月9日,抓捕组得到线索,黄某某可能在节日期间到广东东莞与妻子梁某团聚,分局局长冯厂生立即指示民警飞赴东莞,对黄某某进行抓捕。9月9日晚,公安新城分局纪委书记王晓峰带领抓捕组民警抵达广州后,顾不上喘息连夜乘火车、坐汽车马不停蹄赶到东莞长安镇。天一亮,民警就赶到梁某上班的电器公司,经过对梁某7个多小时的审讯后,她终于交代了黄某某藏匿的地方。原来,从2010年9月起,黄某某就在梁某的包庇下来到东莞长安镇一家包装公司上班,躲避警方的抓捕。9月10日17时许,抓捕组民警根据侦查的情况迅速赶到黄某某上班的公司,在车间内将其当场抓获。14日16时许,黄某某和妻子梁某被民警押回西安,至此,这个发生在9年前的处长雇凶杀人碎尸案终于圆满告破,抓捕民警行程达6000余公里。7 R0 K1 J: t; V) N# A+ p( q& u

5 X$ y% ~; ?; N+ o# L! [$ ]( s! c
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淡然 发表于 2011-9-18 08:23:08 | 显示全部楼层
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lkor4126f 发表于 2011-9-21 09:20:37 | 显示全部楼层
    Do you ever get tired of lying to yourself.She knew that I had wanted to murder her.More proof that I belonged with him.I tried again.But it was also necessary.you still have to prepare Charlie to meet your new boyfriend.And then it's easier to seem normal,.I wondered if Sam would consider my death provocation.cheap ray bans!unseasonably cold.It was a relief to see his familiar features again after all this time.Another complication, Edward had said.I had to forget the reason why I might want them to win.Shell come around when shes ready, Edward.His hands were balled up in fists at his sides.I glanced over to see Edward's face pressed against the bulge.    motionless except for the small, automatic actions it took to steer the car.As long as she wants me,ray ban Aviator sunglasses, Im here.Theory Can I ask just one more.Mr.at any moment I might, distracted by my ridiculous absorption in the conversation,ray ban caravan, inhale through my nose and attack her before I could stop myself.His mouth was on mine then, and I couldn't fight him.Your parents.Actually, Id rather go to your house if thats okay  Im sick of mine.I trailed behind him automatically, not sure if I shouldnt turn around and leave.On the other side of the long room was a low, heavy wooden door.She seemed anxious about something.He looked at me hopefully, his wet,ray ban Aviator, tangled black hair sticking up in every direction around his pleading face.    Angela smiled at me tentatively, and I hurried to return the smile.Or next month, when Jasper takes a snap at me.Brown is warm.Put me down.He paused, raising one eyebrow.The end of Edward, the end of me.Please.what I needed.Would you tell me why.What more is there.Edward sighed.And Mike Newton puking all over everything.I could feel the air huffing through her lungs as she pushed herself to an incredible velocity.Sure, sure, he said, but he sounded more patronizing than agreeing.Jakes tone was cheerful, but his voice dragged.Possibly my crippling clumsiness was seen as endearing rather than pathetic, casting me as a damsel in distress.it was like he didn't want to see me.he asked again, opening my door for me.    Please.Across his palm was a long, deep gash.Charlie, that was the main thing now.Edward's voice shifted into a smooth velvet tone of persuasion.Her truck was parked against the curb, her father's police cruiser in the driveway.anything else would be a disappointment.But for me, as I struggled to keep the screams and thrashing locked up inside my body, where they couldn't hurt anyone else, it felt like I'd gone from being tied to the stake as I burned, to gripping that stake to hold myself in the fire.Embry and Quil slowed to a walk.Jacob didn't seem grateful for the subject change.He rumbled.Do you want to go home.he asked, and his eyes were ancient with their sadness.And Ill give you what you want, I promised rashly.
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